Sunday 26 August 2007

And the winner is...

Not this guy!!! Actually, it was me, but I crippled J's stack by cracking is AA with a far inferior hand. At that point I made a deal with him... If I win I'd post his picture again. The tournament was a big success. We had 19 players with a total of 60 buy-ins, re-buys, and add-ons!! That's right our biggest prize pool to date. As usual a cash game ensued and Alex was a big winner. Again, I'm a little late on the post, but better late than never (I am a terrible blogger). I made a deal with Lynn, no more big poker nights until she leaves. So the next game won't be until 14 or 15 Sep. I'll post details very soon, I am considering playing a bounty freeze-out... let me know if that sounds interesting!