Monday 24 March 2008

Mike Mangles...

For the second tourney in a row Andy saw heads up action... this time a new Champ was crowned. In the end Mike B. was the last man standing in this deep stack tournament. The pivotal hand came when Mike looked up Jorge's bluff and raked a HUGE pot. After that it was smooth sailing for Mike as he rode his large chip lead all the way to the end. Congrats Mike, well played.

As usual the cash game went well into the wee hours of the morning, in fact, if Shane didn't have to work we may still be playing now! This will likely be the last tournament before I leave for Iraq, but I might try to get in one more cash game!! Thanks to everyone for showing up and helping make another successful event.

I was able to play a deep stack tourney because I ordered about 400 more chips. I'd like to take a moment to give a plug to . If you are in the market for some high end chips I definitely recommend them. Their customer service is superior, their prices are fair, and Michael supports our troops by offering FREE shipping to APO.

Thursday 6 March 2008

2nd Annual LCN (La Casa Nostra) Tournament

Believe it or not, it has been a year since I started running games at my place. The first tournament was dubbed La Casa Nostra Inaugural and Sonny D. captured the title of Champion! So now it is time for LCN II and a new champ will be crowned as Sonny D is no longer with us (no, he wasn't "whacked", he moved away). This year we have two options:

Option A: a bigger buy-in Freeze out (double my last freeze-out buy-in)

Option B: Re-buy tournament (Same stakes as Mike B's tourney last weekend)

Obviously my preference would be to make it "special" and go for the larger buy-in freezeout, but I need at least 20 to make it happen. If we go with option A, I will buy a one troy ounce, 100% Sterling Silver, card protector/coin and award it to the winner. The front will have a small design and "Name-2nd Annual La Casa Nostra Champion" encircling the design. On the back will be the winning hand. Obviously this won't be awarded at the tournament, it will take a few weeks to produce... but in 4-6 weeks the winner will have tangible bragging rights!!

The tourney will be 22 Mar 08. Time TBD (based on format), starting chip count TBD (based on format).

Please let me know if you want option A or B ASAP!!