Sunday 13 April 2008

Rex Reigns...

Rex reigned Saturday night and ravaged his competition at the Farewell Freeze-out. Actually, the final 5 worked out a chop that was agreed upon by all involved. Of course, another way to say it is that the other 4 surrendered to Rex and his dominating position. Rex was so far ahead that the other 4 gave him 40% of the prize pool and split the remaining 60% equally between them (that's right, Rex earned about the same amount as he would have if he won outright). Since Rex is leaving before I get back, this was his last tournament at my place--and there really isn't a better way to go out! Congrats Rex and good luck at future tables.

This will be the last tournament of the year, but I look forward to getting back and starting again next year!! Thanks to everyone for coming out and making this another successful tournament (and cash game--that again ended after the sun came out for the day).

Friday 11 April 2008

OK, 1 more--Farewell Freezeout!!

OK, I'm squeezing one more tourney in before I go (Thanks Lynn!). This Saturday, freeze out tourney, optional bounty. Sign in between 6PM and 6:45 PM. Cards in the air at 7PM. Starting chip count 5K. Some snacks and beverages provided--but as always feel free to bring your own food/drink. Also, feel free to drink adult beverages--but have a plan to get home. Naturally a cash game to follow.