Friday 29 December 2006

Building my Poker Table: Day 2

First order of business today was to cut out the lip for the rail. We cut an inch and a half off the racetrack/felt level. That will give the rail a perfect snug fit when placed over the racetrack. Pictured is the rail and the lip before being glued.

The lip glued and screwed to the underside of the rail.

Then clamped so the glue can dry.
Next was the most important cut, separating the racetrack from the felt. This is important because it will be the only visible cut (that isn't covered by something). Yesterday was pretty much the first time I'd used a jigsaw so I was a bit nervous. However, the cut came out almost perfect... I was psych'ed!!!
Tested to make sure the rail fit over the race track.

Had to put all the pieces together to see if they fit. The center will be the felt, the middle the stained wood racetrack and the outside the padded vinyl covered rail.

All that is left (for the shop) is cutting the base and attaching the legs. Also, I need to put the cup holders in the racetrack (which will be a pain). I might skip the cup holders. I bought the jumbo size holders, they are 4.25" wide, but only require a hole 3.5" in diameter (there is a lip). The racetrack is only 5" (exposed), so I am concerned they may be too much. I'll have to decide tomorrow! After tomorrow I should be able to move the project home for the foaming, felting, staining, padding, vinyling, etc...

Thursday 28 December 2006

Building my Poker Table: Day 1

Well, construction has begun... and thus far I am very satisfied with both the progress and quality. So far we have cut out the rail completely and have cut down the racetrack/felt level. It doesn't look like much, but it is most of the major cuts. Tomorrow we should have most, if not all of the major cuts complete. Pictured below is will be the rail.

Established in Italy!

Since arriving in Italy I've played in a few home games. All have been fun, but none have been close to the game in Japan. The game was, and assume still is, a pretty remarkable game. The level of play exceeds the level of play that is found in most middle stakes casino games. The professionalism of the game is also phenomenal! Needless to say, I really miss the game. I've considered flying back to Japan twice a month for the game, but I'd have to win every tournament and take every chip in the cash game to break even... and that isn't realistic for anyone. So, my other option is to try to recreate Ryan's game here in Italy. In fact, this blog site is pretty much a copy of Ryan's.

So, step one is to build a table (if you build it they will come). I've ordered and received all the supplies needed. Today I am heading up to the hobby shop to begin construction, and I will post updates and pics of the table. I decided to go with the suited cloth, even though I prefer the feel of velveteen or poker felt.

Step two is to get a good set of chips. Well, lucky for me my wife handled that for me. For Christmas she gave me a home poker player's dream--1,430 Paulson National Poker Series chips and 10 plaques!! Also on the way, 4 decks of Kem!

Step three, build a player pool. Already well on it's way. With the arrival of one of the "Japanese" players--J. Herring--I have one guy who knows were the game can go. I also have a lot of guys I work with that like to play, and more from the people I've met at other home games. The only problem, every tourney around here seems to be a $20 freeze-out and cash games are virtually non-existent. The first tourney I run will have to be a $20 re-buy, with a cash game to follow. I think once people learn the beauty of a ring game they will be willing to welcome it into their regular poker schedule.

On a closing note, I would like to say that imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. Although a few of us were around since the beginning of the Japan game, it was/is essentially Ryan's game. So I'd like to use Ryan's game as the standard and hopefully this game will measure up to the game in Japan. Kudos to Ryan for setting up a great game!!!!!

Stay tuned for more info.