Friday 29 December 2006

Building my Poker Table: Day 2

First order of business today was to cut out the lip for the rail. We cut an inch and a half off the racetrack/felt level. That will give the rail a perfect snug fit when placed over the racetrack. Pictured is the rail and the lip before being glued.

The lip glued and screwed to the underside of the rail.

Then clamped so the glue can dry.
Next was the most important cut, separating the racetrack from the felt. This is important because it will be the only visible cut (that isn't covered by something). Yesterday was pretty much the first time I'd used a jigsaw so I was a bit nervous. However, the cut came out almost perfect... I was psych'ed!!!
Tested to make sure the rail fit over the race track.

Had to put all the pieces together to see if they fit. The center will be the felt, the middle the stained wood racetrack and the outside the padded vinyl covered rail.

All that is left (for the shop) is cutting the base and attaching the legs. Also, I need to put the cup holders in the racetrack (which will be a pain). I might skip the cup holders. I bought the jumbo size holders, they are 4.25" wide, but only require a hole 3.5" in diameter (there is a lip). The racetrack is only 5" (exposed), so I am concerned they may be too much. I'll have to decide tomorrow! After tomorrow I should be able to move the project home for the foaming, felting, staining, padding, vinyling, etc...

1 comment:

Ryan said...

I'm so jealous. I think I need to start looking at making a new one now.