Sunday 15 March 2009

Keith Clobbers Competitors!!

The champ is crowned after an arduous 6 hour and 46 minute epic battle. The final blow was delivered when Yak caught fours full of aces in Stud 8 or Better, and J. Brown missed his low draw and came up short on the high. Yak scooped the hand, jackpot, and the engraved card box!

Both Yak and J. B. fought through some head cracking beats and battled from the short stack position to eventually go heads up. Also finishing in the money were Dallas and J. Valero. The "bubble bitch" award goes to Andy "Aces" Anderson (OK, no one calls him that--and he rarely catches aces, but what better moniker for a guy with the initials AA?) who made his play to take down the tournament, but fell just a little short.

All in all it was a great tournament. The turn-out was a little lighter than expected, with many "definites" ending up as no-shows. I think the "full limit" and the higher than normal buy-in caused some people to lose interest. Why limit poker (especially a mixed game tourney) gets the reputation of being boring is beyond me. I'm relatively certian most of the participants would agree that it was good poker. Would I run this format all the time--hell no! However, this was a great change of pace and I'd like to do it again in a few months.

I think the next tourney will be an "old-fashioned" re-buy NLHE game. In the on-deck circle I'm considering running a 32-person Head's up NLHE game. (32-16-8-4-2 with the blinds staying the same, but the starting chip count doubling every round) Let me know if that sounds interesting to anyone.

J. Brown and Yak Wrestle over the big money, and the trophy

Heads up action...

Saturday 14 March 2009

It is on and poppin'! (Your name here?)

Here is the 1st place trophy... below the horse the winner's name will be engraved... could it be your name??

Satellite winners:

J. Brown
J. Valero

Saturday 7 March 2009

We are one week away from the 3rd annual La Casa Nostra Poker Event!! Below is the schedule of events:

Satellites 10 AM - 5:30 PM

Starting at 10A.M. main event satellites will begin. The format will be a 10-player sit-and-go (see my text message for buy-in info). They will be Turbo NLHE (No-Limit Hold 'Em), starting chip count will be T-1000. Blinds will go up every ten hands, blind schedule below:

Hands 1-10: -/25
Hands 11-20: 25/50
Hands 21-30: 50/100
Hands 31-40: 100/200
Hands 41-50: 200/400
Hands 51-60: 400/800
Hands 61-70: 800/1600
Hands 71-80: 1600/3200

Winner will receive one entry token to the main event. Players may continue to play and win satellite tournaments even if they already have an entry token. Players may decide to sell extra seats at any price they negotiate, or decide to lock up the seat to narrow the field of competition (e.g. Mike B wins three entry tokens, and decides not to sell. There are 32 entries into the tourney, but only 30 players. NOTE, Players CAN NOT get extra starting chips, regardless of the number of entry tokens they own). Sit and Go tourneys will start as soon as 10 players are ready and paid. Up to 3 tables may run at once. THE LAST SATELLITE WILL START NLT 5:30 PM!!!

Main Event:

Starting at approximately 7PM. After the last Satellite is complete I will set up for the Main Event. Once finished we will begin.

Limit H.O.R.S.E freeze-out, no re-buys, no add-ons
Starting Chip Count: T5,000
Blind schedule: See blog post below this one. Rounds 1-10 will be 20 Minutes long; after that rounds will be 15 minutes long. Breaks will be after every Eight or Better Round.
Max 32 Players (8 per table)!!

I have a complete set of Rules that I am trying to post. It is a modified version of Robert's Rules of Poker. If you want it, I can email it to you. All players are encouraged to read it, all players acting as "floor" are required to read it! Additionally I will have a printed copy at the event. Below is a very simplified version of the rules:

Note: All bets/ante's will be placed in front of the player. Change will NOT be made until all betting on that street is complete. "Splashing the Pot" is strictly forbidden. This will be enforced.

Betting structure for Hold 'Em and Omaha H/L:

- Post Blinds, and if applicable antes
- Pre-flop and flop betting will be Small Bet
- Turn and River betting will be Big Bet
- 3-raise max on all streets (bet -> raise -> raise -> cap)

Hold 'em:

- nothing to note

Omaha Hi/Lo:

- 2 hole cards and 3 community cards must be played; separate cards can be played for hi and lo
- 5 unique cards eight or below is a qualifying lo hand
- straights and flushes are non-factors in lo hands (e.g. 5-4-3-2-A is nuts)
- lo hands are scored from hi to lo (eg 8-6-5-4-3 is a better hand than 8-7-3-2-A)

Betting structure for 7-card games:

- Bring in is first action, not last. The player may bring in the minimum, or complete to a full small bet
- 3rd and 4th streets the limit is the small bet
- 5th, 6th and 7th streets the limit is the big bet
- 3 raise max on all streets
-- completing the bring in does NOT constitute a raise, so it could go Bring in, complete, raise, raise, cap

R: Razz (Seven Card Stud – Low)
- Lowest 5 card hand plays, Ace is low (note, in theory a Pair could win... all though not likely)
- Straights and flushes do not count
- Hands are scored from highest to lowest card--same as Omaha h/l
- The highest up card (suites break tie) is the bring in
- All subsequent streets the low (best) hand starts the action

S: Seven Card Stud
- The lowest up card (suites break tie) is the bring in
- All subsequent streets the hi hand starts the action
- If any player has a pair showing on 4th street then any player may elect to bet or raise at the big bet. Once a player bets the big bet all other raises must be at the higher limit

E: Seven Card Stud- Eight or Better
- The lowest up card (suites break tie) is the bring in
- All subsequent streets the hi hand starts the action
- A pair showing on 4th street has NO IMPACT on the limit, all bets/raises are the small bet
- 5 unique cards that are eight or below qualify as a low, same rules as Omaha H/L

Prize pool will be based on the number of entrants. Additionally a "trophy" will be awarded to the HORSE Champion! This year it will be an engraved card box. I will pick it up this Thursday and post a picture of it later this week.

I will be charging no rake this tournament. Please bring whatever food and drink you wish to consume while you are here.

If you do not wish to play the satellites you may reserve your seat immediately. However, this time I will require payment in advance (since the number of satellites could be effected). Any player with a reserved seat that has not paid by Friday will lose their reservation. On Saturday players can register at any time (e.g. you have enough for 2 satellites plus the tournament. You play 2 satellites and do not win, it is 1PM. You can buy your entry into the main-event and lock up the seat immediately).

This will definitely be our biggest prize pool to date!!

Call/email me with questions or for seat reservations.
Rnd Game SB BB Ante Bring in Small Bet Big Bet
1 Hold'em 15 30

30 60
2 Omaha Hi-lo 20 40

40 80
3 Razz

10 10 40 80
4 Stud (7 card)

15 15 60 120
5 Stud 8 or Better

20 20 80 160
6 Hold'em 75 150

150 300
7 Omaha Hi-lo
100 200

200 400
8 Razz

25 50 200 400
9 Stud (7 card)

25 75 250 500
10 Stud 8 or Better

50 75 300 600
11 Hold'em 250 500 50
500 1000
12 Omaha Hi-lo
300 600 50
600 1200
13 Razz

50 200 700 1400
14 Stud (7 card)

75 200 800 1600
15 Stud 8 or Better

75 300 900 1800
16 Hold'em 500 1000 100
1000 2000
17 Omaha Hi-lo
800 1500 100
1500 3000
18 Razz

100 500 2000 4000
19 Stud (7 card)

200 1000 4000 8000
20 Stud 8 or Better

300 1500 5000 10000

Etc. 5000 10000 500 2000 10000 20000