Sunday 15 March 2009

Keith Clobbers Competitors!!

The champ is crowned after an arduous 6 hour and 46 minute epic battle. The final blow was delivered when Yak caught fours full of aces in Stud 8 or Better, and J. Brown missed his low draw and came up short on the high. Yak scooped the hand, jackpot, and the engraved card box!

Both Yak and J. B. fought through some head cracking beats and battled from the short stack position to eventually go heads up. Also finishing in the money were Dallas and J. Valero. The "bubble bitch" award goes to Andy "Aces" Anderson (OK, no one calls him that--and he rarely catches aces, but what better moniker for a guy with the initials AA?) who made his play to take down the tournament, but fell just a little short.

All in all it was a great tournament. The turn-out was a little lighter than expected, with many "definites" ending up as no-shows. I think the "full limit" and the higher than normal buy-in caused some people to lose interest. Why limit poker (especially a mixed game tourney) gets the reputation of being boring is beyond me. I'm relatively certian most of the participants would agree that it was good poker. Would I run this format all the time--hell no! However, this was a great change of pace and I'd like to do it again in a few months.

I think the next tourney will be an "old-fashioned" re-buy NLHE game. In the on-deck circle I'm considering running a 32-person Head's up NLHE game. (32-16-8-4-2 with the blinds staying the same, but the starting chip count doubling every round) Let me know if that sounds interesting to anyone.

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