Tuesday 24 July 2012

J.C. Jolts the Jones's (and everyone else)

Thanks to all who came out and played this past Saturday!  Before I get into the nitty-gritty of the night I would be remiss if I didn't offer a belated congratulations to Bunny on her BIG win last month (it was before I started updating the blog).  Now on to new business!  Personally, I feel like Saturday was a big success despite a lighter than expected turnout.  The tournament raged on for nearly 4 hours, and at the end the Maurer brothers stood toe to toe with what looked like a "we don't have enough chips to cover the blinds so next hand wins" showdown, but the interested parties decided to negotiate a deal and get to the cash game (for Dave at least). The end result was the lion-share of the prize pool and the title of Champion bestowed on JC on his return to the tables.  Congrats JC!

The cash game featured the typical back and forth banter, creative side bets, inappropriate conversations (thanks Yak), a few bad beats, a strange run of trip 5s, and several Seven-Duece side bet pay-outs.  The cash game stayed healthy throughout the night, maxing at 9 players and carried on until the wee-hours of the morning (5 AM) when the final-four finally finished for the night.

A firm date hasn't been established for the next game, but we you can expect it will be in August (probably at Yak's this time).  Stay tuned to the blog, twitter, email and text for more details.  Thanks again for all that made it a great night.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks to Paul for all the great food and hosting this event!