Sunday 21 January 2007

Building my Poker Table: Day after 3++

The main portion for today was to finish the rail. I thought stapling the rail would be a pain, but I had no idea how labor intensive this portion of the project would be. HOLY CRAP, the rail is a lot of work and a major pain!! I bought a Craftsman staple gun and it was definitely up to task... but the stapling wasn't the hard part--it was the vinyl pulling and the foam compressing that was the hard work. This was, by far, the most strenous portion of the project so far (not the hardest from a skill standpoint, but definitely the most work). The first picture for today is a picture of the rail with the foam glued down. The foam was cut in 6 pieces, so I was worried about the seam. To remedy this I placed a very thin black piece of foam over top of the thick foam (not pictured). It must have worked because you can not feel the seam in the final product. The next few pics are attaching the vinyl to the rail. I used Whisper vinyl (its pleather like) and I HIGHLY recemend springing the extra bucks on this vinyl. After completing the rail I couldn't help myself and had to lay the felt on top and place the cup holders to get an idea of how the final product would look... and I took a picture (and played a few hands too!). The last picture is the first coat of stain on the rail. Hopefully, if the bigger felt comes in, I will have it finished in time for Thursday nights game!!!

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